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Mezzmo vs. Mezzmo Pro Comparison

See below for a detailed summary of the extra features you receive with Mezzmo Pro.

File Format Support

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Stream all popular video formats yes yes
Stream all popular music formats yes yes
Stream all popular image formats yes yes
Stream all popular subtitle formats yes yes
Stream DVD rips & Blu-ray rips yes yes
Stream DVD ISOs & Blu-ray ISOs no yes
Stream URLs from popular video, music & photo web sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, CNN, NBA, BBC, etc. yes yes
Stream gapless music yes yes
Stream live video and audio yes yes
Stream capture devices such as webcams, PC desktop, microphones, etc. yes yes
Rip Audio CDs as MP3 or WAV files no yes
Unlimited number of files in Mezzmo library yes yes
Unlimited Mezzmo library size yes yes

Folders & Playlists

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Folders (with 1:1 folder representation) yes yes
Auto refresh folders to keep them up-to-date no yes
Playlists yes yes
Smart playlists yes yes
Active playlists yes yes
Linked playlists yes yes
Auto refresh linked playlists to keep them up-to-date no yes
Export playlists no yes
Unlimited number of folders & playlists yes yes
Choose the folders and playlists to share with devices and users no yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Stream all popular video formats yes yes
Parse video filenames for movie name, year, TV series, season, episode, etc. yes yes
Read all popular external metadata files (.NFO, .XML, .TGMD, etc.) yes yes
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for movies from online movie web sites yes yes
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for TV shows from online TV show web sites yes yes
Edit all attributes including title, description, genre, tagline, actors, directors, producers, keywords, content rating, IMDB link, poster, backdrop & more yes yes
Set preferred audio language (English, German, etc.) yes yes
Set preferred subtitle language (French, Spanish, etc.) yes yes
Stream external subtitles, embedded subtitles or burn subtitles yes yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Stream all popular audio formats yes yes
Collect text metadata, posters and backdrops for music tracks, artists and albums yes yes
Edit all attributes including title, album, artist, track, disc, genre, writers, producers, content rating, poster, backdrop & more yes yes
Create gapless music tracks yes yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Stream all popular image formats yes yes
Stream all popular RAW digital camera formats yes yes
Collect EXIF and ITPC text metadata yes yes
Edit all attributes including title, album, date taken, genre, keywords, EXIF, ITPC, GPS & more yes yes

Content Ratings & Parental Control

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Content ratings for files yes yes
Content ratings for folders & playlists yes yes
Restrict listing files, folders & playlists on devices and
web browsers based on content rating
no yes
Set time period for content rating restriction (e.g. 6:00AM to 9:00PM) no yes
Enter PIN code to bypass content rating restrictions no yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Maintain individual files to update particular files yes yes
Maintain folders and playlists to update a collection of files yes yes
Maintain complete Mezzmo library to update all files yes yes
Schedule daily maintenance to keep library up-to-date no yes

Online Channels & Plugins

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Access online channels such as Twitch, Movie Trailers, TuneIn Online Radio, TED Talks, ShoutCast Radio, 500px, etc. no yes
Access to new online channels no yes
Access to third-party channels & plugins no yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Transcoding video, music and photos on-the-fly yes yes
Pre-transcode video, music and photo files yes yes
Fast hardware transcoding via Nvidia NVENC no yes
Fast hardware transcoding via Intel Quick Sync Video no yes
Fast hardware transcoding via Microsoft Direct3D no yes
64-bit transcoding no yes


Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to DLNA & UPnP devices yes yes
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to DLNA & UPnP software apps yes yes
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to Mezzmo Android app yes yes
Stream video, music, photos & subtitles to web browsers no yes
Stream inside your home yes yes
Stream outside your home no yes
Number of device profiles included 300+ 300+

Web Interface

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Browse and stream files on popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) no yes
Create user accounts for accessing Mezzmo server via web browser no yes
Personalize user accounts with custom homepages, shared folders/playlists and content rating restrictions no yes
Share permanent links on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. no yes

Play To

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Right-click Play To menu on files, folders and playlists no yes
Play To pane no yes
Play To using web browser no yes
Digital Media Controller (DMC) features including Play, Stop, Seek, Volume, Mute, Shuffle, Next File, Previous File no yes

License, Upgrades & Cost

Mezzmo Mezzmo Pro
Lifetime license yes yes
Free upgrades yes yes
Cost Free $29.95